Business14 May 2018

Romanians are starting to consume ecological cars

The number of electric cars sold in Romania increases each year, along with the awareness of Romanians regarding climate change and its effect on the planet

Ecological cars

Ecological cars

According to the Association of Automobile Manufacturers and Importers (APIA), in 2017, the percentage of electric and hybrid cars compared to total vehicle sales nationwide reached 2.2%, the highest percentage in history. If we also mention that this number represents twice as many cars as in 2016, we get a much clearer image on the actual growth. Also, if we go deeper into analyzing the data, we find that the 2016 number represents double the amount compared to 2015.        

With this mention, we now have the complete picture in mind, namely that the Romanians' appetite for ecological means of transportation is constantly growing. Surely if we look at the number of bicycles sold during this period, we will also find a growing trend. Thus, it seems that ecology is trending in Romania, especially since the global effects of climate change are becoming increasingly obvious. 

Of course, Romania is still very far from other nations, like the northern ones, where ecology is indeed a lifestyle. For example, in Norway, the share of non-fossil-fueled cars is 39%. However, although far from that, Romania is still in front of many Western states, which at first glance might give the impression that they are performing much better. However, countries such as the UK, France, Germany or Spain fail to reach the 2% share of green / hybrid cars compared to the total number of cars sold in 2017.        

Unfortunately, although the desire of the Romanians to drive ecologically seems real, the authorities have made little progress in terms of the infrastructure needed for such means of transport. I refer here primarily to the lack of charging stations, which can be counted on one’s fingers in the big cities.

Fortunately, enough private investors have begun to move towards such charging stations, thereby facilitating their growth. Who knows, this may turn out to be one of the most successful businesses of the coming years given this growing trend in Romania.

Sources: (photos)

Claudiu Bolcu




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