Local products Friday 07 March, 04:16
The Radauti sour soup

Sour soup of Radauti County, one of the most tasteful traditional plates of Romania

Local products

The tourists that arrive in Bucovina are invited to enjoy one of the most tasteful traditional plates from Romania, the sour soup of Radauti.

Amandina Cake

Amandina Cake – the original recipe

Local products

Amandina has been very popular in Romanian confectioneries since the 1960s. They have a specific taste of caramel, cocoa and rum that we have grown to love

Murfatlar Wines

Murfatlar Wines - discover the golden beverage of Dobrogea

Places of interest

The high quality of the wines produced at the Murfatlar Vineyard is due to the history and tradition of wine production in the Dobrogea Region


Pipăraică – the recipe of a traditional Romanian dish

Local products

Discover one of the most delicious recipes from the area of Crişana, a historic region in the north-west of Romania

Dobos Torte - Banat gastronomy

Dobos Torte - a flavor of the traditional Austro-Hungarian cuisine

Local products

Dobos is a traditional Austro-Hungarian cake, but in the Banat became a true art. It was always present at the great feasts, especially during the celebration dedicated to the patron saint of the church.

Smoked Shank with Beans - a Romanian traditional plate

Smoked pork shank with beans, one of the most delicious traditional Romanian dishes

Local products

This gastronomic specialty is never missing from the tables of the Romanians, especially for the country's national day

Feateasca Neagra

A tasty meal and a glass of a good quality wine are the key success of the Dealu Mare vineyards

Places of interest

From old times, the wine produced here was "oily, strong and durable" and it was considered one of the best wines in Europe




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