Events Saturday 27 July, 07:28
Maria Tănase

The Songs of Maria Tănase


The Queen of Folk Music, the Charming Voice, the Nightingale, Edith Piaf of Romania... these are the names given to Mariei Tănase, an outstanding personality of the Romanian traditional music of interwar period

Logos or Plebanos Wine Cellars - Transylvania

Logos cellars - Plebanos wine cellar, the story of Transylvania wine


The wine of the priest, wine tasting, accommodation at "Două Sălcii"

Prince Știrbey Winary, Oltenia

Prince Știrbey Winary


Wine traditions of over 300 years, original Romanian grapes varieties

Wine circuit in Banat

Wine circuit in Banat


The Banat is a region that fully enjoys the influence of the Mediterranean climate, which makes the hills in this predominantly plain area extremely suitable for the production of wine

Dobra Wine Cellar, Transylvania

Dobra Wine Cellar - Wines from the Pagan Hills of Transylvania


Silvania vineyard situated in North - Western part of Romania reaches Sălaj and Satu Mare Counties as one of the largest vineyards in Romania. The special climate and soil of the hills gave the perfect conditions for the creation...

Wine Tourism in Romania

Wine Tourism in Romania – unexploited opportunities


Wine related tourism can generate important incomes for a small winery, as are the vast majority of newly established wineries in Romania. However, there are still many unexplored opportunities, as is the enhanced collaboration...

Marcel Iureş

Marcel Iureş - one of the few successful Romanian actors in Hollywood


Marcel Iureş is one of the most appreciated Romanian international actors. He was born on August the 2nd 1951 in Băileşti, Dolj County, and spent the first years of his life in a village called Amzuleşti, 12 kilometers from...

Eugene Ionesco

Eugene Ionesco and success of the play “La Cantatrice Chauve”


The Romanian-French playwright of the absurd theatre




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