Events15 January 2017

January 15, an important day to remember the unique Mihai Eminescu!

"The universality of his poetic work has been recognized by UNESCO, the poem "Luceafărul" has entered the Guinness Book of Records, and his name was given to a crater on Mars and a small planet."

Mihai Eminescu - the Romanian poet

Mihai Eminescu - the Romanian poet

Mihai Eminescu, the Romanian national poet, was born on 15 January 1850. Currently, Eminescu's birthday is celebrated as National Culture Day and soon will be celebrated also abroad, in Istanbul, London, Stockholm and Rome.

To write a text about Mihai Eminescu, we need some clear decisions regarding what to say and what to give up. Like any great personality, about Mihai Eminescu were written bookshelves and biography and his work were presented, reviewed and analyzed to the smallest detail. Consequently, a short text on Eminescu, should remember some elementary aspects.


Mihai Eminovici was born in 1850 in the region of Moldova and became the greatest poet of Romanian literature. Eminescu spent his childhood year in the Moldavian village of Ipoteşti, surrounded by hills and forests. These landscapes are also found in his literary work. For example, the poem “Fiind băiet păduri cutreieram”, remember the beauty of nature in its birthplace.

Regarding Eminescu's literary work, he was both a poet, writer and publicist. In a late Romanticism, Eminescu rhyme native mythology, along with his favorite themes, nature and love. In a landscape of predominantly sea, forest and rock stars, a heavenly and exhausting love is developing.

His literary masterpiece, “Luceafărul” (The Star), includes all the favorite themes of the work of Eminescu. Based on a folktale, Luceafărul is an excellent weaving between epic and lyric, a long poem that flows as a story in verse. With a very complicate love story, in “Luceafărul” are well drawn earth and the cosmic plane, and the major differences between them, while suggesting philosophical ideas.

One of the most famous interpretations of the poem refers to the theme of the misunderstood genius in the world.

Eminescu's work has been translated into many languages. Beyond European languages ​​in which Eminescu was first translated his poems can be read in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi etc.

On January 15, whe are celebrated Mihai Eminescu and the National Culture Day, Romanian authorities organize several cultural events both in Romania and abroad.



George Călinescu, Istoria literaturii române de la origini până în prezent, Buburești, Fundația Reagală pentru literatură și artă, 1941.   





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