Local products30 April 2018

Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks, a Successful Business in Romania

Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks, 100 % natural, is one of the most appreciated products in Romania. The company producing the Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks became a really successful business.

Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks

Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks

Salt, natural corn flour, oil and...air – these are the ingredients of which some of the most appreciated Romanian products are produced. Meant are the Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks preferred by children and not only and appreciated for their exceptional and unique taste.

Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks are now consumed by millions of people, being sold in countries from all over the world, not only in Romania. Over one million of Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks bags are produced daily. The fine texture, the original recipe and the special taste are only a few of the elements which offer oneness to the Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks.

Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks are produced by the company PhoenixY, in the factory from Băicoi, Prahova County, one of the biggest factories in Europe. The first Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks have been produced in the basement of a house from the locality, in 1992, when two students, Eliodor Apostolescu und Cătălin Nour, tried to supplement their income.

The initial investment was of only 2.000 US Dollars. According to the representatives of the company, by producing and selling Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks they followed their mission of “bringing optimism and a smile on the faces of the entire family, through the simplicity and high quality of the product and to offer a healthy, delicious and 100 % natural snack!”.

Along its 23 years of existence, the company developed very much, so that today we are talking about a successful 100% Romanian business known worldwide, all this due to perseverance and investments in the development of the company and because Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks have the best quality as they are produced exclusively of natural ingredients.

“Together with the discovery of this recipe we knew that we created the best Corn-Puff Snacks in the world, which will be sold in America too!”, says Eliodor Apostolescu, the general manager of Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks.

At this moment Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks is a business evaluated at tens of millions of Euros. Gusto Corn-Puff Snacks are appreciated not only by Romanians, but also by foreign people. The company PhoenixY in Băicoi sells Corn-Puff Snacks in 20 lands in Europe, but in America and Dubai too.

In America we have clients in New York, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta”, said Eliodor Apostolescu, according to Ziarul Financiar (The Financial Newspaper). The company PhoenixY has a portfolio of 15 products, among them the traditional simple Corn-Puff Snacks with salt, and the Corn-Puff Snacks with cheese, with pizza or with surprises.  

Photo: pufuletigusto.ro


”Pufuleţii Gusto sărbătoresc 2 decenii de optimism, succes şi...mult bun gust” - http://www.femeia.ro/sanatate/pufuletii-gusto-sarbatoresc-2-decenii-de-optimism-succes-si-mult-bun-gust-2118112/

“Povestea Companiei PhoenyxY şi a Pufuleţilor Gusto” - http://www.pufuletigusto.ro/despre-compani

e “Pufuleţii Gusto, produşi de compania PhoenixY din Băicoi, ajung la New York” - http://www.zf.ro/companii/pufuletii-gusto-produsi-de-compania-phoenixy-din-baicoi-ajung-la-new-york-11216270

“Pufuleţii Gusto, modelul afacerii de succes în România” - http://www.jurnaluldeafaceri.ro/pufuletii-gusto-modelul-afacerii-de-succes-in-romania/


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