Events06 February 2024

Casa Isărescu Domain, elegance and personality

Wines from Oltenia Hills, authentic Romanian grapes varieties, the wine of the former boyars

Casa Isărescu Domain

Casa Isărescu Domain

Drăgășani Vineyard belongs to the wine-growing region Muntenia and Oltenia Hills. It is the oldest vineyard from the Oltenia area, it is parallel to the Olt river, it has a length of 65 kilometers and a rich history dating back to the Dacian times. It was an episcopal vineyard, the vineyard of Oltenia's lords and of the Vlachian rulers (Știrbei) and the famous Brătianu family had vast domains here.

The international recognition of Drăgășani wines came with the participation at international exhibitions from Paris (1880, 1881, 18883, 1884, 1885, 1889), then from Milan (1908 and 1911). The Drăgășani Vineyard is known for three varieties of native vines: Cramposie Selectata, Negru (Black) of Drăgășani and Novac but also for the "tulburelul" (“the disturbing one”) wine obtained from local varieties: Crâmpoșia, Braghina, Gordanul and Tămâioasa. About the Braghina vine it is said that its name would come from "Bagrina", one of the daughters of the Dacian king Burebista, the one who ordered the deforestation of the vineyards in Dacia and Gordan vine it is said that its name comes from "Gordan", the name of the bravest Dacian fighter, he became unstoppable during the battles when he consumed a few glasses of wine. About the Drăgășani wine I. C. Teodorescu in 1943 said that: "it is an excellent table wine, the best in Romania" and the locals added a saying: "Crâmpoșia gives strength, Braghina produces the foam and the Gordan fills the barrel."

Casa Isarescu Winery was established in 2003, together with the acquisition of the Drăgășani domain by the Isărescu family. The vineyard covers an area of 40 hectares and produces 100,000 liters of wine annually. The cultivated varieties are: Cramposie Selectata, Feteasca Regala, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Tamaioasa Romaneasca, Merlot, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Negru (Black) of Drăgășani and Novac.  

If you want to try a traditional wine, you can take part in wine cellar tastings. In a story setting at the Casa Isărescu Guesthouse you can taste traditional Romanian dishes along with a glass of Casa Isărescu wine.


Foto credit: ;     

Alina Mafa




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